2nd Department of Neurology - Educational materials for students of 4th class General Medicine
Students of 4th class, study program General Medicine, who attend practicals in Neurology at 2nd Department of Neurology FMCU and UHB write a report on the topic which did not take place according the regular schedule. The papers with the report (3-4 pages, format A4) should be sent to email address: Deadline: 10.4. 2020.
Pneumonia for students
Pneumonia - a serious health problem. One of the most common infectious diseases. Important cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Community – acquired pneumonia is the sixth cause of death worldwide. Increased incidence of pneumonia with increasing age.
Burns for students
Lecture for students of General Medicine and Dentistry. 3rd, 4th, 5th year.
- I. part - Definition, pathophysiology of local and systemic changes, diagnosis,
- II. part - Systemic and local treatment of burns.
Metabolism for the dentistry students
Metabolism, metabolic rate. Basal metabolic rate. Total daily energy expenditure. Factors that determine the metabolic rate. Measurement of the metabolic rate. Energy balance. Metabolism and physical activity. Oxygen debt. Efficiency of physical work. Metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohysrates. Fed state and fasting state metabolism.
Blood Physiology (Lecture for the Dentistry Students)
Blood - composition and function. Blood and homeostasis. Red blood elements, haemoglobin. Blood groups, cross-matching test. Erthrocyte sedimenation rate, haematocrit. Leukocytes - types and their immune functions. Platelets and haemostasis. Haemocoagulation. Blood plasma - composition, functios. Haemopoiesis.
Pulmonary medicine
Pulmonary medicine and phthiseology, pulmonary function testing, internal medicine, laboratory result analysis for studets of General Medicine and Dentistry.
O vedeckom bádaní v medicíne
Vedecké bádanie nie je výučbovým predmetom. Preto táto knižka nie je učebnicou a nemá ani usporiadanie – od jednoduchého k zložitému. Je to písaná forma názorov a skúseností, ktoré by mohol využiť záujemca v oblasti biologicko-lekárskych vied. Štyri menšie časti sú prevzaté z knihy Úvod do vedeckého bádania, ktorá vyvolala priaznivé ohlasy.
Dentistry for General Medicine
Educational materials for students of 3rd class General Medicine.
Evidence Based Medicine (EBM)
Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) – prezentácia obsahuje základné princípy EBM, hierarchickú kategorizáciu dôkazov, informačné zdroje EBM a praktickú ukážku vyhľadávania „dôkazov“ v databáze PubMed.
Manažment bolesti v urgentnej medicíne
Bolesť je Svetovou zdravotníckou organizáciou (WHO) a medzinárodnou spoločnosťou pre štúdium a liečbu bolesti (IASP) definovaná ako „nepríjemná senzorická a emocionálna skúsenosť spojená s akútnym či potencionálnym poškodením tkanív alebo je popisovaná výrazmi takéhoto poškodenia.. Bolesť je vždy subjektívna“.
HLA complex and its significancein biology and medicine
Histocompatibility molecules are genetically determined proteins present in membranes of all nucleated cells. They form a unique system for which the term “Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC)” was coined. Each vertebrate species is characterised by its own MHC; that of humans has an abbreviation HLA. This acronym is derived from the words: “human leucocyte antigens” as its fist molecules were discovered in membranes of leucocytes.
Tests - 3rd Department of Internal Medicine
Homework – 26. 3. 2020: for students of 3rd class, study program General Medicine.
Educational materials - 3rd Department of Internal Medicine
Educational materials for students of 3rd and 6th class General Medicine - 3rd Department of Internal Medicine FMCU and University Hospital Bratislava.
Getting started with team based learning at the Faculty of Medicine Comenius University in Bratislava
The education and training of medical doctors and other health professionals are undergoing fundamental transformation in a worldwide context. The traditional teaching models are currently being substituted or complemented by up-to date study models. They open more space to innovative pedagogic strategies that facilitate active learning and student-centred teaching approaches.
Team-based learning (TBL) is an innovative teaching/learning strategy that is based on students’ learning in small teams. It is a relatively new approach in medical education, but the evidence for its academic effectiveness in this field is growing.
Authors of the booklet provide an overview of the basic concepts of the TBL and share their experience with introducing TBL into physiology teaching of medical students.
Study materials, instructions for study - Department of Paediatric Dermatovenerology Faculty of Medicine Comenius University in Bratislava
Self-study instructions for students of the 5th year General Medicine, Mandatory study literature, Topics, Lectures.
Self-study instructions for students of the 6th year General Medicine, Mandatory study literature, Topics, Lectures.
Organic chemistry
.. from organic chemistry is designed for students of general medicine. The content of lecture.. .. from organic chemistry is designed for students of general medicine. The content of lecture.. .. chemistry is designed for students of general medicine. The content of lecture represents the.. ..of. Ing. Zdeňka Ďuračková, PhD. Prílohy:
.. .. [?]
Organic chemistry - General medicine
SKULL (after Cunningham)
.. offered by other recommended textbooks, enable students to be better prepared for the tests of Anatomy.. .. Textbook of Anatomy (12th Edition, iss. 1981) provides the.. .. but of course for the students of the General Medicine..
Male internal genital organs
.. organs. It is dedicated for the medical faculty students of the general medicine and dentistry.. .. which provides the basic anatomical description of the male internal genital organs. It is.. .. for the medical faculty students of the general medicine and dentistry..
Female internal genital organs
.. genital organs. It is dedicated for the medical students of the general medicine and dentistry.. .. which provides the basic anatomical description of the female internal genital organs. It is.. .. for the medical students of the general medicine and dentistry..
Clinical anatomy of the lymphatic system
.. system - the lecture for the 4th year medical students (General Medicine branch), compulsory optional.. .. anatomy of the lymphatic system.
Clinical anatomy of the.. .. for the 4th year medical students (General Medicine branch), compulsory optional subject Clinical.. .. sensitive [?]
Clinical anatomy of the lymphatic system
Conference MEFANET 2014
.. international conference of Czech and Slovak faculties of medicine, focused.. .. conference of Czech and Slovak faculties of medicine, focused on e-learning and medical informatics.. .. provides an opportunity to medicine teachers and students to meet medical informatics professionals, as.. .. is focused on progress in ICT-based education of medical disciplines. The 8th year of the.. .. The conference provides an opportunity to medicine teachers and students to meet medical..
Clinical anatomy of the cardiovascular system
.. system- the lecture for the 4th year medical students (General Medicine branch), compulsory optional.. .. the clinical antomy of the structures of the cardiovascular system:.. .. for the 4th year medical students (General Medicine branch), compulsory optional subject Clinical.. .. sensitive [?]
Clinical anatomy of the cardiovascular system
Conference MEFANET 2015
.. international conference of Czech and Slovak faculties of medicine and.. .. conference of Czech and Slovak faculties of medicine and health care sciences November 25 – 26,.. .. and health care professionals.
Teachers' and students' experience with the use of information.. .. and their application in the education of medical disciplines:
.. .. education of medical disciplines:
web-based image archives,
Phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, phlebothrombosis
.. the lecture for 4th year dentistry students due to the COVID situation.
2nd Department of.. .. due to the COVID situation.
2nd Department of surgery LFUK, UNB sv. Cyril a Metoda, Antolská .. ..keywords: phlebotrombosis, 4th year dentistry students..
Surgery of tetanus
.. the lecture for 3rd year dentistry students - lecture from 12.3.2020 was cancelled due to.. .. due to the COVID situation.
2nd Department of surgery LFUK, UNB sv. Cyril a Metoda. .. ..keywords: tetanus, 3rd year dentistry students.. .. sensitive [?]
Surgical treatment of tetanus