Hematology and transfusiology 6th class
Investigation in hematology. Blood diseases. Lymphadenopathy. Anemias. Acute leukemias. Chronic leukemias . Myeloprolipherative neoplasmas. Lymphomas. Splenomegaly. Transfusiology. Hemostasis disorders.
Introduction to hematology
Investigation in hematology. Blood diseases. Lymphadenopathy. Anemias. Acute leukemias. Chronic leukemias. Myeloprolipherative neoplasmas. Lymphomas. Splenomegaly. Transfusiology. Hemostasis disorders.
An Introduction in Breast Diseases

E-book containing learning text for students of 5th and 6th years of medical faculties as well as for postgraduate physicians. In the individual chapters breast anatomy and physiology diagnosis and treatment of breast diseases, etc. is discussed. It contains many pictures and tables with classifications of radiological, cytological and histological findings.
Organic chemistry
.. medicine. The content of lecture represents the introduction to organic chemistry. Author of lecture.. .. content of lecture represents the introduction to organic chemistry. Author of lecture introduces.. .. students basic organic compouds, their structure and properties in relation to biologically important..
Active electric biosignals I
.. presentation offers an introduction to active electric biosignals from the point of.. .. presentation offers an introduction to active electric biosignals from the point of.. .. of view of their registration possibilities and analysis. Suitable to all study branches...
.. subject Gerontostomatology is dealing with specific features od.. ..keywords: dentistry, geronto.. .. KB
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Gerontostomatology 2
Structure of Matter From Biophysical Point of View
.. Point of View“ is aimed to give a brief introduction to some applications of physics at microscopic.. .. From Biophysical Point of View“ is aimed to give a brief introduction to some applications.. .. structure analysis, explains different structure and forms of matter, physical interactions, general..
Oral surgery 1
.. set of 4 topics from course „Oral surgery 1“,.. .. of medicine Comenius University in Bratislava and it is finished by oral exam at summer semester.. .. of the course Oral surgery 1 is divided into four main areas:
introductory topics.. .. interdisciplinary team work, history, antisepsis and asepsis, viral infections and orofacial.. .. [?]
Klinicky citlivé [?]
176.09 MB
Antigen presentation; T cell mediated immunity
.. antigens are no able to induce an immune response without being.. .. them to T cells; moreover, they activate them and polarise to a specific biological functions... .. too. They remember their inducers and subsequent introduction of the antigens induces very prompt and.. .. those that express αβ T cell receptors and those that express γσT cell.. .. that express αβ T cell receptors and those that express γσT cell.. ..keywords: presenting cells, HLA molecules, T cells and their..
Course on Biomedical research - online
.. semester, we are opening more courses for doctors, students and scientists.
Scientific.. .. are opening more courses for doctors, students and scientists.
Scientific research is an.. .. Club since 2019.
Introduction: IRIS concept; Program of the course and.. .. aim of the course is to make the basics of biomedical research available.. .. of biomedical research available to physicians and doctoral students in the field of biomedical..
Stres a adaptácia
.. a vznik chorôb.
Stres predstavuje všeobecne prítomný fenomén. Takmer každý jedinec sa denne str.. .. zdroje, medzi iným aj klasické diela, ako sú An Introduction to the Study of Experimental Medicine, The.. .. a všeobecná definícia stále neexistuje. A to aj napriek tomu, že od čias Bernarda, ktorý po.. .. monografiu Stress, Catecholamines, and Cardiovascular Disease, ako aj česko-slovenské k.. .. Stres a adaptácia
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Topographic Anatomy of the Head
..Topographic anatomy of regions of head and neck... .. anatomy of regions of head and neck. Cranium. Temporomandibular joint. Muscles.. .. ANATOMY from Greek anatomé = „a cutting .. ..
As a science deals with morphology and structures of the human body.
Its sound.. ..keywords: Topographic anatomy, head, neck,.. .. [?]
Clinically sensitive [?]
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Topographic seminar 4
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Salivary glands
40.25 MB
B lymphocytes and plasma cells
.. specific for each antigen. An antigen binds to the membrane receptors on specific B cells and.. .. to the membrane receptors on specific B cells and initiates a series of responses that lead to two.. .. capable of making rapid responses to subsequent introduction of antigen. They survive in the bone marrow for.. .. immunity. They develop in the bone marrow prior to antigenic stimulation. During their maturation.. .. B cell-receptor (BCR) that specifically binds and recognises a particular antigenic determinant... .. citlivé [?]
B lymphocytes and plasma cells
7.32 MB