Femtosecond laser in cataract surgery
Femtosecond laser uses an infrared beam of light to precisely separate tissue through a process called photodisruption by generating pulses as short as one-quadrillionth of a second. It has wavelength of 1053 nm and is based on the technology whereby focused laser pulses divide material at the molecular level without transfer of heat or impact to the surrounding tissue.
Principles of refrative surgery
..Laser refractive surgery procedures (such as laser..
Ochorenia sietnice
..keywords: cievne ochorenia, anti-VEGF, kortikoidy, laser, pars plana.. ..keywords: laser, pars plana..
International Research Interdisciplinary School IRIS
.. us:
Dr. Ljuba Bacharova
International Laser Center, Bratislava, Slovakia
.. ktorá sa v minulosti, keď ešte neboli dotupné laserové techniky, používala.
Podporené grantom KEGA 0.. .. .
V súčasnosti sa už využívajú femtosekundové lasery, ktoré znižujú čas hojenia a vytvárajú presn..
Course on Biomedical research - online
.. researcher, International Laser Center, Bratislava, Slovakia Teacher, Institute..
Možnosti liečby malígneho melanómu uvey
.. žiarením lokálnym alebo externým zdrojom, kryo-, laserokoaguláciou, termoterapiou
b/ v lokálnej r.. ..keywords: brachyterapia, stereotakticka radiochirurgia, laserkoagulacia,.. ..keywords: brachyterapia, stereotakticka radiochirurgia, laserkoagulacia,..