UVEAL TUMORS - II. Melanoma choroideae
The wall of the eye has 3 main layers. From outside to inside there is: the white sclera, a blood vessel layer called the uvea (choroid, ciliary body and iris) and an inner retinal layer. Further, the pigment producing cells, “melanocytes” are primarily found in the vascular uveal layer. It is those melanocytes that can turn into malignant melanoma. Therefore, when melanoma happens in the choroid, they are called “choroidal melanoma,” the most common primary intraocular malignancy in adults. That said, choroidal melanomas are rare with 5 to10 out of each million people diagnosed with a choroidal melanoma each year. Choroidal melanomas can spread to other parts of the body.
.. “uveal melanoma,” or “choroidal melanoma” are often used.. .. arise:
the iris
the ciliary body
the choroid
Together, these three regions of the eye are.. ..keywords: tumor, uvea, iris, ciliary body, choroid,..
Genetické aspekty malígneho melanómu uvey
.. enrollment in the COMS trials for treatment of choroidal melanoma: Collaborative Ocular Melanoma Study..
Možnosti liečby malígneho melanómu uvey
.. procesu v oku.
Prehľad výberu liečby MMU choroidei a corpus ciliare:
• Dispenzarizácia (iba ..
.. A: Fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy for choroidal melanomas. Radiother Oncol. 1997, 43(1):..
Pitva oka - stáže z oftalmológie - 1.časť
.. vrstvu obalov oka: silne pigmentovanú cievovku - choroideu. Pri jej separácii od skléry sa objaví riedka v..