Maxillofacial Surgery 1

Study materials from course "Maxillofacial Surgery 1" for Dentistry 5th class.
The subject Maxillofacial Surgery is divided in three courses within three semesters of study of Dentistry at the Faculty of Medicine Comenius University in Bratislava and it is finished by oral exam at winter semester in the 6th class.
Maxillofacial Surgery 3
Study materials from course "Maxillofacial Surgery 3" for Dentistry 6th class.
The subject Maxillofacial Surgery is divided in three courses within three semesters of study of Dentistry at the Faculty of Medicine Comenius University in Bratislava and it is finished by oral exam at winter semester in the 6th class.
Maxillofacial Surgery 2

Study materials from course "Maxillofacial Surgery 2" for Dentistry 5th class.
The subject Maxillofacial Surgery is divided in three courses within three semesters of study of Dentistry at the Faculty of Medicine Comenius University in Bratislava and it is finished by oral exam at winter semester in the 6th class.

Study materials from course "Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery" for Dentistry 6th class.
Students are divided in out-patient offices and for assistance in one minor and two major operating rooms. At seminars and consultations actual patients are demonstrated as case reports of various pathology. The patients from in-patient department are also arranged for that purpose.
Maxillofacial surgery - 5th year Dentistry - semestral work
Elaboration of semester work for 5th class Dentistry students group 1a, 1b, 3b from Maxillofacial surgery. The semestral work must be elaborated by each student separately, it should contain the latest theoretical knowledge of the issue in the range of 1-2 pages A4.
Oral surgery 1

Complete set of 4 topics from course „Oral surgery 1“, which include 12 hours of lectures in summer semester in the 3rd class. The subject Oral surgery is divided in three courses within three semesters of study of Dentistry at the Faculty of medicine Comenius University in Bratislava and it is finished by oral exam at summer semester in the 4th class.
Surgery of tetanus
General surgery.
Powerpoint presentation intended for home studying regarding the lecture for 3rd year dentistry students - lecture from 12.3.2020 was cancelled due to the COVID situation.
2nd Department of surgery LFUK, UNB sv. Cyril a Metoda.
Oral surgery 3

Complete set of 6 topics from course „Oral surgery 3“ , which include 12 hours of lectures in summer semester in the 4th class of study of Dentistry at the Faculty of Medicine Comenius University in Bratislava.
Oral surgery 2

Complete set of topics from course „Oral surgery 2“ , which include 12 hours of lectures in winter semester in the 4th class of study of Dentistry at the Faculty of Medicine Comenius University in Bratislava.
Preparation of patient before surgery
Here you can find some basic things, which should be done with average patient before surgery.
It has 5 basic steps - lowering the risk of the surgery, appropriate diagnosis, preparation of the operation field, psychological preparation and informed consent.
There are some links to other pages as well.
Surgery of liver and spleen
General surgery. Powerpoint presentation intended for home studying regarding the lecture for 4th. year dentistry students - lecture was cancelled due to the COVID situation.
Principles of refrative surgery
Refractive surgery is a surgery that treats eye problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia.
Surgery of Anal Canal and Rectum
Lecture for 4th year students. Surgery of anal canal and rectum. Anatomy. Colorectal and Anorectal Vascular Supply. Investigations. Ulcerative Colitis. Rectal Cancer. Hemorrhoids. Anal fissure. Anorectal abscess. Fistula in ano.
Femtosecond laser in cataract surgery

Femtosecond laser uses an infrared beam of light to precisely separate tissue through a process called photodisruption by generating pulses as short as one-quadrillionth of a second. It has wavelength of 1053 nm and is based on the technology whereby focused laser pulses divide material at the molecular level without transfer of heat or impact to the surrounding tissue.
Study materials – 2nd Department of Surgery
Study materials for 3rd, 4th and 5th year students dentistry during homestudy due to coronavirus situation.
Oral surgery - 4th year Dentistry - semestral work
Elaboration of semester work for 4th class Dentistry students group 2a,2b,3b from oral surgery. The senestral work must be elaborated by each student separately, it should contain the latest theoretical knowledge of the issue in the range of 2-3 pages A4.
4th class Dentistry - 2. semester work from Oral surgery - dentogenic bone cysts
Elaborate a 2. semester work according to study groups on the given clinical cases. The semestral work must be elaborated by each student separately, it should contain the latest theoretical and practical knowledge of the issue in the range of 1-2 pages A4.
Dentistry for General Medicine
.. Aid in Maxillofacial Injuries
Oro-Facial Oncology
Dentoalveolar.. .. Oncology
Dentoalveolar and Maxillofacial Surgery
Focal Infection and.. ..keywords: surgery.. .. sensitive [?]
First Aid in Maxillofacial Injuries
14.55.. .. Dentoalveolar and Maxillofacial Surgery
140.83 MB
Phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, phlebothrombosis
.. due to the COVID situation.
2nd Department of surgery LFUK, UNB sv. Cyril a Metoda, Antolská street, .. ..keywords: surgery, phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, phlebotrombosis,..
Surgical Diseases of Small Intestine
..keywords: intestine, surgery..
Cardiology guidelines
.. of Syncope
Management of Heart Failure
Surgery in Valvular Heart Diseases
Essential Messages.. .. MB
Surgery in Valvular Heart Diseases
Ophthalmooncology - Tumors of the Orbit
.. If rhabdomyosarcoma is resectable, surgery is done, followed by chemotherapy and orbital..
Preclinical Dentistry
.. and extraction of teeth, instruments in dental surgery
Deciduous/milk/ teeth
CAD/CAM system -..
Topographic Anatomy of the Head
.. Topographic anatomy aspects in maxillofacial traumatology
Študijný materiál - Klinika onkologickej chirurgie
.. KB
Surgery of thyroid gland
Bazalióm mihalníc a orbity
.. surgical defects after Mohs micrographic surgery. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg 1999; 15:..