International Research Interdisciplinary School IRIS
The IRIS “University without Walls” workshop program created at the Duke University, Durham, USA, is the problem-based training approach on developing of skills to prepare and carry out research project and to collaborate on common project in multidisciplinary international team.
September 11 - 16, 2020. Western Slovakia (near to Bratislava), Slovakia.
.. which arise from the eye, and can occur in the iris, ciliary body and/or choroidal regions of the.. .. areas in the eye where melanomas arise:
the iris
the ciliary body
the choroid
Together,.. ..keywords: tumor, uvea, iris, ciliary body, choroid,..
Basic anatomy and physiology of the eye and visual pathways
.. of the eye, which acts like a camera lens.
The iris of the eye functions like the diaphragm of a.. .. cornea and crystalline lens (and limited by the iris and pupil) then reaches the retina — the..
Course on Biomedical research - online
.. Research Interdisciplinary Schools (IRIS) since 2006, and of the RIS Alumni Club since..
UVEAL TUMORS - II. Melanoma choroideae
.. layer called the uvea (choroid, ciliary body and iris) and an inner retinal layer. Further, the.. .. iridociliary melanoma are discoloration of the iris, a brown spot on the outside of the eye, an..
Kurz biomedicínskej štatistiky
.. V biomedicínskej organizácii Academy je členom IRIS Alumni clubu, kde vedie odborné semináre. Okrem v..
Základy anatómie oka pre medikov
.. pupil). Tá sa pomocou svalov (dúhovky, lat. iris) rozťahuje a zužuje, čím reguluje množstvo prec..
Kurz biomedicínskej štatistiky II. - online
.. V biomedicínskej organizácii Academy je členom IRIS Alumni clubu, kde vedie odborné semináre. Okrem v..
Predná očná komora a dúhovkovorohovkový uhol
.. (iris)
Anatómia a fyziológia dúhovky
Dúhovka pre..
Možnosti liečby malígneho melanómu uvey
.. časti uvey. Pri MMU lokalizovanom v dúhovke (iris) sa v minulosti sa indikovala skorá enukleácia p..
Genetické aspekty malígneho melanómu uvey
.. and microcirculation patterns in melanoma of the iris, ciliary body, and choroid. In Curr Eye Res...