Maxillofacial Surgery 2

Study materials from course "Maxillofacial Surgery 2" for Dentistry 5th class.
The subject Maxillofacial Surgery is divided in three courses within three semesters of study of Dentistry at the Faculty of Medicine Comenius University in Bratislava and it is finished by oral exam at winter semester in the 6th class.

Study materials from course "Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery" for Dentistry 6th class.
Students are divided in out-patient offices and for assistance in one minor and two major operating rooms. At seminars and consultations actual patients are demonstrated as case reports of various pathology. The patients from in-patient department are also arranged for that purpose.
Maxillofacial Surgery 1

Study materials from course "Maxillofacial Surgery 1" for Dentistry 5th class.
The subject Maxillofacial Surgery is divided in three courses within three semesters of study of Dentistry at the Faculty of Medicine Comenius University in Bratislava and it is finished by oral exam at winter semester in the 6th class.
Cysts of orofacial region
Cysts of orofacial region.
Oral surgery 1

Complete set of 4 topics from course „Oral surgery 1“, which include 12 hours of lectures in summer semester in the 3rd class. The subject Oral surgery is divided in three courses within three semesters of study of Dentistry at the Faculty of medicine Comenius University in Bratislava and it is finished by oral exam at summer semester in the 4th class.