prof. MUDr. Angelika Bátorová, batorova(at)


Author: Angelika Bátorová

Primary hemostasis. Blood coagulation. Investigation of hemostasis. Platelets disorders. Acquired coagulpathies. Coagulopathy in liver disorders. Disseminated intravascular coagulation. Acquired hemophilia. Inherited coagulopathies. Hemophilia A and B. Von Willebrand disease. Venous thromboembolism. Thrombophlebitis and phlebothrombosis. Inherited and acquired thrombophilia.

Introduction to hematology

Author: Angelika Bátorová

Investigation in hematology. Blood diseases. Lymphadenopathy. Anemias. Acute leukemias. Chronic leukemias. Myeloprolipherative neoplasmas. Lymphomas. Splenomegaly. Transfusiology. Hemostasis disorders.                                     

Hematology and transfusiology 6th class

Author: Angelika Bátorová

Investigation in hematology. Blood diseases. Lymphadenopathy. Anemias. Acute leukemias. Chronic leukemias . Myeloprolipherative neoplasmas. Lymphomas. Splenomegaly. Transfusiology. Hemostasis disorders.