MUDr. Zora Haviarová, zora.haviarova(at)

Muscles of the head and neck

Author: Zora Haviarová

Describes the muscles of the head and neck regions and also their topographical regions.

The presentation gives instructions for the better learning and understanding of the chapter: Muscles of the Head and Neck and topographical regions of the head and neck. Describes the muscles in the groups and layers and finally provides the localisation and content of the topographical regions.

Clinical anatomy of the lymphatic system

Author: Zora Haviarová

Clinical anatomy of the lymphatic system.

Clinical anatomy of the lymphatic system - the lecture for the 4th year medical students (General Medicine branch), compulsory optional subject Clinical anatomy. Provides the descriptom of the lymphatic system structures from the point of view of the clinical anatomy.


Author: Zora Haviarová

Endocryne system of the human body.

Decription of the endocrine system - part I. The lecture for the 1st year medical students - Dentistry branch (English Programme): describes the role, structures of the system. Provides also the description of the thyroid and parathyroid glands, adrenals, endocrine part of pancreas and pituitary gland.


Author: Zora Haviarová

Continuation of the endocrine system description.

Endocrine system - part II. The lecture for the 1st year medical students - Dentistry branch (English programme) - continuation of the part I: describes regulatory role of hypothalamus, pineal gland, thymus, gonadal glands and also chromaffine cells system.

Clinical anatomy of the cardiovascular system

Author: Zora Haviarová

Describes the clinical antomy of the structures of the cardiovascular system: heart and vessels.

Clinical anatomy of the cardiovascular system- the lecture for the 4th year medical students (General Medicine branch), compulsory optional subject Clinical anatomy - summer semester. The lecture provides the description of the cardiovascular system structures from their clinical anatomical point of view.

SKULL (after Cunningham)

Author: Zora Haviarová, Daniel John Cunningham, George John Romanes

Cunningham Textbook of Anatomy (12th Edition, iss. 1981) provides the complete description of the separated skull bones, together with the description of the skull spaces and joints. This decription is suitable for the more detailed study of the skull then that offered by other recommended textbooks, enable students to be better prepared for the tests of Anatomy subject.

Suitable mainly for Dentistry branch students, but of course for the students of the General Medicine branch.

Female internal genital organs

Author: Zora Haviarová

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Presentation guides so-named lecture, which provides the basic anatomical description of the female internal genital organs. It is dedicated for the medical students of the general medicine and dentistry branches.

Male internal genital organs

Author: Zora Haviarová

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Presentation guides so named lecture, which provides the basic anatomical description of the male internal genital organs. It is dedicated for the medical faculty students of the general medicine and dentistry branches.