
Educational portal MFCU

The educational portal of Faculty of Medicine at the Comenius University in Bratislava (portal MFCU) was created within the frame of project MEFANET (MEdical FAculties Educational NETwork). MEFANET is aimed on development of cooperation between Medical Faculties in Slovak and Czech Republic using modern Information and Communication Technologies in educational processes. Portal MFCU allows presenting a wide range of didactical tools that are created at the Medicl faculty of Comenius University in Bratislava to support education. Here published materials can be prepared at different range, starting with simple presentations and ending with sophisticated pedagogical works. Authors of published materials can also specify the users that can access the published materials. Typical users are:

  • non-registered anonymous user,
  • registered anonymous user, who accepts the terms of use within his registration,
  • registered anonymous user, who is the user of educational network MEFANET,
  • registered user, who is a verified Comenius University user - i.e., is not anonymous,
  • registered user, who is a verified MFCU user - i.e., is not anonymous; moreover, he/she is student or teacher of a study program accredited at MFCU.

Who is the portal designed for?

The target groups of this portal involve:

  • academic staff members, who use the portal MFCU to publish their educational works,
  • authors of multimedia teaching tools, who use the portal to communicate with users of these tools,
  • people involved in the lifelong learning of physicians and health care professionals,
  • students of medicine, as well as of other disciplines.