
Physiology of central nervous system 3

Author: Daniela Ostatníková

Physiology of higher brain fiunctions, cortical syndromes, sleep physiology.

Physiology of central nervous system 2

Author: Daniela Ostatníková

Sensory hierarchy of CNS, vision, hearing, pain perception. 

Physiology of central nervous system 1

Author: Daniela Ostatníková

 Ontogenesis and development of central nervous system.

Neuromuscular physiology

Author: Daniela Ostatníková

 Physiology of sceletal muscle contraction, contraction of smooth muscle.

Basics of Neurophysiology

Author: Daniela Ostatníková

The resting membrane potential, formation of action potential. 

Physiology of senses

Author: Daniela Ostatníková

Describtion of receptor pathways, classification of receptors, physiology of vision, physiology of hearing and perception of pain.

Cysts of orofacial region

Author: Peter Stanko

 Cysts of orofacial region.

Female internal genital organs

Author: Zora Haviarová

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Presentation guides so-named lecture, which provides the basic anatomical description of the female internal genital organs. It is dedicated for the medical students of the general medicine and dentistry branches.

Male internal genital organs

Author: Zora Haviarová

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Presentation guides so named lecture, which provides the basic anatomical description of the male internal genital organs. It is dedicated for the medical faculty students of the general medicine and dentistry branches.

Oral surgery 1

Author: Peter Stanko, Daniela Novotňáková, Dušan Hollý

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Complete set of 4 topics from course „Oral surgery 1“, which include 12 hours of lectures in summer semester in the 3rd class. The subject Oral surgery is divided in three courses within three semesters of study of Dentistry at the Faculty of medicine Comenius University in Bratislava and it is finished by oral exam at summer semester in the 4th class.