Study materials from course "Maxillofacial Surgery 3" for Dentistry 6th class.
The subject Maxillofacial Surgery is divided in three courses within three semesters of study of Dentistry at the Faculty of Medicine Comenius University in Bratislava and it is finished by oral exam at winter semester in the 6th class.


Pain in orofacial region, trigeminal neuralgia and other neuralgias. Facial palsy. Diseases of temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Orthodontic anomalies, orthognathic surgery, cranio-maxillofacial deformations. Preprosthetic surgery, implantology. Bone diseases in orofacial region.




Recommended literature


  • Peterson L.J.: Contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Mosby, 1998, London, 276 p.
  • Sailer H., Pajarola: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the general dentist. Thieme, 199, 1st Ed., 360 p.
  • Moore U.J.: Principles of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 5th Ed., Blackwell Science 2001, Oxford London, 276 p.
  • Fonesca J.R.,Davis W.H.: Reconstructive preprosthetic oral and maxillofacial surgery. Saunders, Philadelphia 1995, 2nd edition,1 155 p.
  • Worthington P., Branemark P.J.: Advanced osseointegration surgery. Application in the maxillofacial region. Quintessence, Chicago 1992, 403 p.
  • Glasgold A.I., Silver H.F.: Application of biomaterials in facial plastic surgery. CRC Press,Boca Raton Boston 1991, 345 p.


Attachment   Date Size Availability [?] Clinically sensitive [?] Licence
 Minor (dentoalveolar) preprosthetic surgery 8.12.2021 35.08 MB anyone
 Major preprosthetic surgery on maxilla and mandible 8.12.2021 156.06 MB anyone
 Dentofacial Anomalies A 11.11.2021 77.56 MB anyone
 Dentofacial Anomalies B 11.11.2021 97.59 MB anyone
 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorders 28.10.2021 55.03 MB anyone
 Orofacial Neuralgias and Pain in H+N region 27.10.2022 80.27 MB anyone
 Palsy of Facial Nerve 27.10.2022 31.72 MB anyone
 DENTAL IMPLANTOLOGY - part 1 27.11.2020 55.31 MB anyone