Study materials for 3rd, 4th and 5th year students dentistry during homestudy due to coronavirus situation.                                                                 

Required level of knowledge for homestudy (dentistry students):
3rd year: physical examination, anamnesis of a patient.
4th year: physical examination, anamnesis of a patient, medical imagining, endoscopic procedures, laboratory findings.
5th year: physical examination, anamnesis of a patient, medical imagining, endoscopic procedures, laboratory findings, differential diagnosis, treatment and management of a surgical patient.


5th year sylabus for block lessons:

  1. History, physical examination, pre- and perioperative management
  2. Diseases of the oesophagus
  3. Diseases of the stomach and duodenum
  4. Diseases of the small intestine
  5. Diseases of the colon and rectum
  6. Diseases of the liver and pancreas
  7. Diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract
  8. Abdominal wall disorders
  9. Acute abdomen
  10. Surgical patient – complications.


Additional information:


  • Tests for 3rd and 4th year students will be taken at the surgery department after the situation has been resolved.
  • State exams will take place after the situation has been resolved.


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 Study materials: 2nd. dep. of surgery 13.3.2020 13.38 KB anyone

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