Conference MEFANET 2015

9th international conference of Czech and Slovak faculties of medicine and health care sciences November 25 – 26, 2015, Brno, Czech Republic
Apart from general aspects of e-learning, the conference will also be focused on the impact of this phenomenon on a specific field of medicine. The 9th year of the MEFANET conference is dedicated to:
Neurology – Psychiatry – Neurosurgery – Neuroscience

Main topics

  • Information and communication technologies and their application in the education of medical disciplines:
    • telemedicine,
    • web-based image archives,
    • educational portals,
    • multimedia teaching tools.
  • Electronic support in the education of bachelor and master study programmes.
  • Information and communication technologies in lifelong learning of physicians and health care professionals.
  • Teachers' and students' experience with the use of information technologies in the education of medical disciplines:
    • assessment of quality of electronic information sources,
    • support of the education of foreign students.
  • Methods for effective creation of electronic teaching tools.
  • Legislation issues, copyright.

  • Apart from general aspects of e-learning, the conference will also be focused on the impact of this phenomenon on a specific field of medicine. The 9th year of the MEFANET conference is dedicated to the following topic: Neurology – Psychiatry – Neuroscience

Workshop on tools for virtual patients

Workshop participants will be informed about tools used to create virtual patients. Furthermore, they will learn about the preferred VP implementation and its use across Masaryk University (MU) in Brno, Czech Republic, and Pavol Jozef Šafárik University (UPJS) in Košice, Slovakia, and subsequently all institutions participating in the MEFANET project. Relevant interactive activities and questions will be included in this workshop as well.


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 Mefanet 2015 invitation 13.10.2015 381.28 KB anyone
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 Conference webpage MEFANET 2015 13.10.2015 anyone