Conference MEFANET 2014

8th international conference of Czech and Slovak faculties of medicine, focused on e-learning and medical informatics in the education of medical disciplines.

November 26-27, 2014, Brno, Czech Republic                

The MEFANET 2014 conference is focused on progress in ICT-based education of medical disciplines. The 8th year of the conference is a continuation of very successful and productive conferences MEFANET 2007, MEFANET 2008, MEFANET 2009, MEFANET 2010, MEFANET 2011, MEFANET 2012 and MEFANET 2013, where representatives of all Czech and Slovak medical faculties could discuss specific topics. The conference provides an opportunity to medicine teachers and students to meet medical informatics professionals, as well as experts involved in the multimedia support of education. Apart from general topics, such as e-learning, telemedicine and modern ICT, the 8th year of the conference is focused particularly on mLearning and mHealth into medical education.

Reports on teachers' experience are particularly welcome, as teachers are not only primary users of these electronic tools, but also authors of specific educational works, and often even developers of technology and software solutions. Apart from reports on clinical disciplines, contributions of ICT professionals and data analysts are also anticipated. The conference will provide enough space for educational seminars focused on the methodology of e-courses creation, as well as data formats and standards used in medical informatics. The conference programme is flexible: in addition to standard sections and presentations, discussion panels can be initiated, focused on possible problematic issues.


Main topics

  • Information and communication technologies and their application in the education of medical disciplines:
    • telemedicine,
    • web-based image archives,
    • educational portals,
    • multimedia teaching tools.
  • Electronic support in the education of bachelor and master study programmes.
  • Information and communication technologies in lifelong learning of physicians and health care professionals.
  • Teachers' and students' experience with the use of information technologies in the education of medical disciplines:
    • assessment of quality of electronic information sources,
    • support of the education of foreign students.
  • Methods for effective creation of electronic teaching tools.
  • Legislation issues, copyright.

  • Invited lectures will be focused on specific field of interest, which will be completed

  • Apart from general aspects of e-learning, the conference will also be focused on the impact of this phenomenon on a specific field of medicine. The 8th year of the MEFANET conference is dedicated to the following topic:
    • Technology-Enhanced Learning and Teaching in Acute Medicine

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